we move tomorrow!!! more pictures to come. please pray everything goes well and as planned and that I dont go absolutly crazy!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
The land of Enchantment
So we went to New Mexico twice in the last month!!! None of these picture are in order, so I will just give you the info on them as we go. This one above is Catie J at my grandparents house in Farmington NM. She and Papa are just about to go to the apple orchard and pick some apples. Its was 26 degrees outside!!! You would think I should bundle her up more. But we just dont understand cold weather here in the dessert land.
This is where they went to get apples. A 93 year old man owns this orchard and the apples are yummy!
this is James getting the car ready to go home
we sat in front of the fire and had hot chocolate!!
Posted by waddell crew at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
busy busy
life is nuts!!!! Somedays I think we are gonna be fine and somedays I want to crawl up into the fetal position and never come out. 2 weeks ago James was let go from his job along with 2 other teachers, thank goodness we serve a God that knows all things and this did not suprise him. He was already preparing to be an online professor for Grand Canyon University. So we just did a little switch, but its been nuts learning how to depend on Christ when we just dont know what is going on. We knew we would not see the benefits financially from Grand Canyon until the end of November so like always......we worried and worried and worried. What are we gonna do? Where is the money gonna come from? all those fearful questions we ask when we are totally vulnerable and afraid of the unknown. Well about 4 days after James lost his job a family from our Church had heard and they paid our rent for us this month. Then James' boss from the job he got let go from ended up giving him severence when he had already said he wasnt going to. As always God provided and and always I was humbled. In the midst of all of this we are moving into a house. We are renting a cute little house about a mile from here. The guys is not charging much, he just wants a family to take care of his parents house, who recently passed away. He has been so helpful financially and waved the deposit if we help him clean and he also said he would cover utilities. Nuts!!!! So when I think about crawling up into a ball I just have to think of how much Jesus has blessed us and how much he continues to bless us. I know he loves me and I trust he cares but its so easy to try and find everyway possible to do other things than just soley depending on him. When I finally do depend on him things seem so much lighter. Not easier but lighter. I dont like being uncomfortable and wondering, but maybe thats where he needs me to be right now. Wrapped in his arms and trusting in his blessings and faithfulness. He has never been unfaithful, he has never been judgemental or mean, he has never turned me away or disowned me. He has always loved me, always held me, always pursued me, alway protected me, alway listened to me and has always covered me with his mercy and grace. My life is not dependant on me, its not dependant on a job, or money or kids or my husband. My life is dependant on the one who created me. If He did not send his son to the cross I would be nothing. If I believe things were dependant on anything but Him than his sacrifice would be nothing. So why after all he did wouldnt I accept this gift of forgivness and grace that he so easily poured out by sacrificing his son on the cross. This life is so much bigger than me and thank goodness I have a relationship with the one who created it. Thanks for reading.
Posted by waddell crew at 12:19 PM 1 comments