Saturday, December 20, 2008

Grateful Heart

I am overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness to the Lord for his blessing and grace upon my Life that is not deserved. We have spent the last month reveling in a pregnancy that we honestly thought may not happen, we have spent the last month traveling to be with family and to enjoy thanksgiving with people we love and adore, we have been overwhelmed with gratitude for our new home and the gift it is to us, and now we are humbled once again by the blessing of the new Job the Lord has given James. I feel like I have gone through times of life expecting God to blessing, expecting him to do good things in my life, expecting everything I want to happen. If I am good enough, if I try hard enough, if I do enough then I will get what I want. After the last year of learning more and more of Christs character and through my frustrations of being mad, angry, sad, alone, tired, jealous etc...He has never left me. He has loved me, blessed me when I would not look, Held me when I could harldy breathe from crying so hard, waited patiently for me when I was so angry I couldnt even talk to Him. He has NEVER left me. I am learning and feel like I would not have acknowledged His grace and truth in my life had I not experienced the desert of longing. He longs for me to see Him in everything. He longs for me to let Him love me, to not expect from Him, but to trust who He is and what He is doing in my life. Life my not go like I plan, but He knows me so much better than I know myself and he longs to fill me with Him. He wants me to be satisfied in who He created me to be. So in this season of blessing beyond blessing in our lives I pray I hold onto these truthes I have learned in the last couple of years. I pray I fall in love with who He is more and more and that I can look back on His amazing blessings when I may be in the desert once again. I am overwhelmed and so grateful for where we are. I pray I cherish it and not long for what is next.

This is my mom and dad and sisters at thanksgiving
This is my beautiful Catherine Jane up in the Mountains!
My Girl and me the first morning after finding out she was gonna be a big sister!
I had to throw one in of the pregnancy test! What a blessing! We cannot wait to meet this little one. For those of you who are asking, we are NOT finding out the sex of the baby. We want to be suprised! The first couple of appointments have gone great. I have been really sick and so the last appointment the doctor put me on some great medication for the sickness. We also got to see the baby's heartbeat at the last appointment. It was to early to hear it but we could see our little peanut on the screen and see its little heart beating so stinkin fast. Its brain and organs are really growing this month. It now has legs and is getting fingernails. It is a little over an inch tall and weights about 5 grams. Holy cow its hard to believe there is life growing inside of me! Catherine is loving the Christmas story and always asks if Jesus is in my tummy, but maybe not because my name is not Mary. She loves to pray for this little one and she loves to come lay on my tummy. I can't wait for the baby to start moving so she can feel it and me too. She is gonna be an amazing big sister and I am so thankful for my Catherine Jane. I love telling her stories about when she was in my tummy and when she came to our lives. She is enamored by them. I cannot wait to keep you all informed on coming attractions of this little one entering our lives and so many of yours. I am 9weeks and 5 days pregnant! Love you all!