Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Living Life to its fullest

As we push on through this life we continue to learn more and more of what the Lord has prepared for us. We are fully learning to trust in his faithfulness and his timing. We serve an Amazing God, yet we choose to try to figure stuff out ourselves.

We have recently been struggling through what is next.....It always seems like its easier to look ahead than to where we are right now. But what I find I end up doing, when all I do is look ahead, is I get impatient and grumpy with where I am. So how do you go about living in the "now" and also planning for the future. I know this can get into huge theology issues, but honestly we are not ulitmately in control of our future, so how do you "plan" for the future.

If I could have seen 10 years ago, where I would be now in life, I dont know if this is what i would have chosen then. But the Lord in his soverignty has blessed me with more than I would have chosen for myself.

I guess my main struggle is learning how to trust the Father with where I am now and also the future. Without worrying about my future!

I know this probably all sounds confusing, but with life right now it seems like the most forfront thing on my mind.

James is in Seminary and will be done in May. So for the past 3 years we have just known this is where we are and what life looks like. We love our little apartment, we love our daughter, we love our church, we love our friends, we love our walk we go on etc.... But in light of knowing that James will definatly have more options ahead of him, in being done with school, what do we do next? How much do we put into what is next and how much do we just "trust" and truly live where we are now? Iyiyiyiyi!!!!!

In other news, Catie J is growing up so fast, she is learning how to sound out words now! She loves to read books with mommy and daddy and she also love to try to read to her stuffed animals. She has lately been struggling with sleeping, needless to say so have all of us. She goes so hard all day long that the last thing she wants to do is sleep. She seems to think there are so many other important things to be doing. I really dont think there are at 1 in the morning. She is so energetic, and keeps us going all day long! I love my little girl....speaking of I need to get back to her, have a great day!


SuperJediMom said...

Glad to see you all jumped on the blog band wagon! Now if I could just remember to keep mine up. Hope to talk to you all soon!


Danno Man said...

Leaving a comment on this blog may give away my secret identity. Hmm... hopefully not. Danno Man away!

mom said...

Hey Waddell crew. this will be fun to see what is going on with your family. I love you so much. I am looking forward to asking James questions. Love you, MOM

funnypapa said...

What is next? That's all you want to know? Ha ha...

I remember turning on Joel Osteen a month ago and he asked, "Do you trust God to do it His way?" Of course not... I have it all planned out and ready for Him to bless.

God bless you guys as you keep searching and trusting.


Anonymous said...

People should read this.