So Catherine and myself walk to the park about 4-5 times a week. To do this we walk through an ally. There is a family who puts a lot of good stuff in the ally for garbage. So as I was walking the other day, I saw this beautiful wood. It was a headboard and a footboard for a bed and it was good, thick, chunky wood. I could bearly carry one by myself, so I had to get James to help with the really big one. Well the last day I have been thinking of what I want to do with them. So the smaller one, which is actually pretty big, I did this!!!! I have wanted someway to put scripture that means a lot to us, up at our house. So I did this, it was a great way of putting the scripture up in our home in a really artsy way. I love the rustic look of the wood and it matches well with all of the rest of our home decor. We like it and I guess thats what matters. I think with the bigger piece of wood we are going to get some help from a guy we know to help us make a coffee table. I love it! I am finally realizing this is what relaxes me and calms me down. I love art. Here are some pics of the sign I made, it needs to be cleaned up a bit but its a rough look too, so I dont want it to be so cleaned up. Enjoy!

the top of the sign

the middle of the sign

The bottom of the sign
My two favorite people off to the Ball Game!
I also sent James and Catie J off to the dbacks game tonight. They went with one of Catherines friends from Church and his dad. I dont know what to do with myself.....so I am blogging. Have a good night people!!!
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