Sunday, October 21, 2007


I love my family. I always have known that I love my family, but for some reason, my heart is so full I cant explain it. I am more and more amazed at my Husband who works so hard so I can stay home, and I have never heard him complain once. He goes to school 3 nights a week and he comes home ready to be a daddy and a husband everyday. He goes on little sleep so he can spend more time with us. What a gift to have James, I always am so amazed at how I do not deserve this man that the Lord blessed me with, but Jesus in his amazing Grace, blessed me with James. I pray that as we grow old together, that we always laugh like we do now, that we communicate, that we love eachother more than we do now. And that we always work at getting to know eachother better.

And my little Catherine, how could you not love her. She is the light of our lives! She is always so happy. She is so intense and loves to make us happy. I think its weird, when I had Catherine I really didnt imagine it being like meeting a new person. I just figured I would know her so well already and that it would automatically be great. Dont get me wrong, it was great, but I am realizing as she grows, that I love getting to know my daughter more and more. More of her personality comes out everyday and I learn new things about her everyday. She keeps me on my toes, and we definatly dont get along perfectly everyday. I am still learning that I am the mom, and that its ok to say, "no" or to put her to bed even if she doesnt want to go to bed, or turn off a cartoon even if she doesnt want me to. I definatly laugh at James for having her wrapped around his finger, but I am just as guilty. I am just so thankful that I have James to help me and go on this journey of parenting with me. We even eachother out pretty well.

She is changing everyday, she is becoming a little girl and not a baby anymore. She loves princesses, and playing dressup, she wants to wear pretty dresses and glass slippers to church, she want to blowdry her hair and put curls in it, she wants to wear my makeup. She wants to cuddle with me before nap and bed time. She loves for me to caress her hair behind her ear when she is going to sleep. She loves to sing everynight before she goes to sleep, and she loves to sing all day long. She loves to jump off of the couch and she loves to run around in the nude when she feels like it. She loves to play hide and seek in the yard, and we love to look for stars on Tuesday nights while we wait for our husband and daddy to come home. She loves her friends and asks for them to come over often, she loves to help me bake and make coffee, she loves to talk on the phone, she loves to draw and take pictures. I love my adventurous days with her, she makes me laugh, and cry, she makes me frustrated and she makes me so incredibly happy, she is the joy that wakes me up in the morning and that I cant wait to get into bed every night. Thank you Jesus for my precious Catherine Jane.

Life is so good, and we are so blessed. When I finally stop and realize all that I have been given, I realize the precious gifts from Jesus. He is continually in control and he loves me so much.

Love you all!


glenna marshall said...

A very sweet post!!

funnypapa said...

You know all of us consider ourselves pretty well blessed with the addition of Jerilyn in our family as well!

What an unbelievable ability you have to put into words such great truths.

It's such an honor to have you in our family!

the williams said...

jerilyn, i don't think i've ever met you, but james and i were life group partners at the big uu and glenna marshall and holly cossiboom are some of my best friends, so i feel like i know you! this is such a great post and encouraging as i think about my family. my husband and i are expecting our first in december and we are SO excited. it's always encouraging knowing that other families live like we husband and wife love each other as Christ and the Church and that God blesses us with children in order to share His love more. i'm glad i found your blog (via glenna). tell james i said hi!

Natalie said...

What a blessing it is to see families so thankful for one another. You are truly blessed as are we to have you in our lives - we love you too :)